MOS驱动器晶体管600mA同步整流降压DC/DC转换器双路Dual正电压LDO调整器CXSB6614瞬态响应 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
目录7.相关产品 产品概述 返回TOP CXSB6614 系列产品是将内装MOS驱动器晶体管的600mA同步整流降压DC/DC转换器CXSD62191/CXSD62192系列与双路(Dual)正电压LDO调整器形成1PKG化的多功能实装IC 。由于使用了超小型表面实装封装(USP-12B01)而实现列节省空间的目的。DC/DC转换部分是内装了与陶瓷电容相对应的0.42ΩPchMOS驱动器晶体管及0.52ΩNchMOS开关晶体管的同步整流式DC/DC转换器。作为外装零部件只需要线圈和电容即可得到输出电流600mA的高效率且稳定工作的电源。双路, (Dual) LDO调整器是实现了高精度, 低噪声, 高纹波除去率, 低压差的CMOS工艺双路(Dual)正电压LDO调整器IC。内部由基准电压源, 误差放大器, 驱动晶体管, 限定电流电路, 相位补偿电路等构成。作为稳定输出用的电容(CL)能与陶瓷电容等低ESR的电容相对应。此外,具有良好的瞬态响应,即使在负载发生变动时也能得到稳定的输出。各个通道之间完全隔离, 能把输出负载电流发生变动时而引起的各个通道之间的串话抑制到最小限度,能提供稳定的输出电压。The CXSB6614 series is a multi chip module which comprises of a 600mA driver transistor built-in synchronous step–down DC/DC converter and a dual CMOS LDO regulator. The device is housed in small USP-12B01 package which is ideally suited for space conscious applications. The CXSB6614 can replace this dual DC/DC to eliminate one inductor and reduce output noise. The DC/DC converter with a built-in 0.42ΩP-channel MOS and a 0.52ΩN-channel MOS provides a high efficiency, stable power supply up to 600mA to using only a coil and two ceramic capacitors connected externally. The highly accurate, low noise, dual CMOS LDO regulator includes a reference voltage source, error amplifiers, driver transistors, current limiters and phase compensation circuits internally. The series is also fully compatible with low ESR ceramic capacitors. This high level of output stability is maintained even during frequent load fluctuations, due to the excellent transient response performance and high PSRR achieved across a broad range of frequencies. The EN function allows the output of each regulator to be turned off independently, resulting in greatly reduced power consumption. 产品特点 返回TOP 应用范围 返回TOP ●Close-proximity wireless transfer Module 技术规格书(产品PDF) 返回TOP 需要详细的PDF规格书请扫一扫微信联系我们,还可以获得免费样品以及技术支持! 产品封装图 返回TOP 电路原理图 返回TOP
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