0.5V低输入电压1A高速电压调整器附带外部调整限定电流值的功能CXLD64201超低导通电阻用于低电压同时高效率输出大电流应用 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
目录7.相关产品 产品概述 返回TOP CXLD64201系列产品能从0.5V的输入电压开始工作。此外,因为是超低导通电阻,最适用于需要在低电压同时高效率地输出大电流的应用。输出电压为±15mV/±20mV且精度高,内部由N沟道驱动晶体管,基准电压源,误差放大器,过电流保护电路(反馈),过热保护电路(TSD),欠压锁闭电路(输入欠压锁闭),软启动电路,相位补偿电路等构成。输出电压由内部激光微调固定,能在0.5V~1.8V的范围内以0.1V的间隔选择产品。输出滤波电容(CL)还能对应陶瓷等低ESR电容。反馈电路当输出电流达到限定电流时,在与输出电压下降的同时,开始减少输出电流的动作。通过调整引脚ILIM连接电阻能任意地设定限定电流值。通过CE引脚使IC成待机状态能大幅度降低消耗电流。此外,由内部开关能使CL中的充电电荷高速放电,迅速地返回VSS电平。并且,在IC内部CE引脚内置下拉电阻,在CE未连接电平时,使IC成待机状态。The CXLD64201 series is a low voltage input (0.5V) operation and provides high accuracy ±15mV / ±20mV and can supply large current efficiently due to its ultra low on-resistance even at low output voltages. The series is ideally suited to the applications which require high current in low input/output voltages and consists of a N-ch driver transistor, a voltage reference, an error amplifier, a current limiter, a fold-back circuit, a thermal shutdown (TSD) circuit, an under voltage lock out (UVLO) circuit, a soft-start circuit and a phase compensation circuit. Output voltage is selectable in 0.1V increments within a range of 0.5V to 1.8V using laser trimming technology and ceramic capacitors can be used for the output stabilization capacitor (CL). When the output current reaches the current limit, the output voltage drops as well as the output current is decreased as a function of the foldback circuit. The current limit can be adjustable with connecting a resistor to the ILIM pin. The CE function enables the output to be turned off and the series to be put in stand-by mode resulting in greatly reduced power consumption. At the time of entering the stand-by mode, the series enables the electric charge at the output capacitor (CL) to be discharged via the internal switch. As a result the VOUT pin quickly returns to the VSS level. The CE pull-down function keeps the IC to be in stand-by mode even if the CE pin is left open. 产品特点 返回TOP 应用范围 返回TOP ● Smart phones / Mobile phones ● Digital still cameras / Camcorders ● Note PCs / Tablet PCs ● E-book Readers / Electronic dictionaries ● Wireless LAN 技术规格书(产品PDF) 返回TOP 需要详细的PDF规格书请扫一扫微信联系我们,还可以获得免费样品以及技术支持! 产品封装图 返回TOP 电路原理图 返回TOP
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