四个MOSFET电压反转升压电荷泵CXUS65122两个电容组成低功耗高效运放负电压GaAs偏置电源使能控制功能 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
目录7.相关产品 产品概述 返回TOP CXUS65122系列是内置四个MOSFET的电压反转电荷泵。外部仅使用两个电容就可以组成高效的负电压电源,可用于GaAs偏置电源和运放的负电压电源。超小型6个引脚端子的SOT-26和USP-6B形式的封装更适合于高密度电路板的使用要求。低功耗以及高效率的特点使得这个系列适用于电池驱动类型产品的应用。在应用过程中,通过使用芯片的使能控制功能(Chip Enable),当芯片停止工作时,可以有效降低整个芯片的功耗。The CXUS65122 series are charge pump voltage inverter ICs that have 4 MOSFETs built in. Since highly efficient negative voltages can be generated with only 2 external capacitors connected, GaAs bias power supplies & OpAmp's negative power supplies etc., can be easily accommodated on a standard PCB. A mini-molded, 6 pin, SOT-26 and USP-6B packages provides for space saving and makes high density mounting possible. Low power consumption and high efficiency make this series perfect for use with battery operated applications. Since the IC's operations stop when output is shutdown via the CE (chip enable) function, total power consumption reduction is possible in applications which use this IC. 产品特点 返回TOP 应用范围 返回TOP ●Cellular and portable phones ●Miniature LCD panels ●Palmtop computers, PDAs ●Various battery powered systems 技术规格书(产品PDF) 返回TOP 需要详细的PDF规格书请扫一扫微信联系我们,还可以获得免费样品以及技术支持! 产品封装图 返回TOP 电路原理图 返回TOP 相关芯片选择指南 返回TOP 更多同类产品......