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首页 > 产品中心 > 电池充电芯片 > 锂电充电芯片 > 单节锂电池充电芯片 >CXLB7312单电池集成恒流CC恒流电压CV锂离子电池充电器内置热反馈机制调节充电电流控制高功率运行或环境温度升高时的模具温度 温度
CXLB7312单电池集成恒流CC恒流电压CV锂离子电池充电器内置热反馈机制调节充电电流控制高功率运行或环境温度升高时的模具温度 温度


CXLB7312单电池集成恒流CC恒流电压CV锂离子电池充电器内置热反馈机制调节充电电流控制高功率运行或环境温度升高时的模具温度 温度
  • "





1.产品概述       2.产品特点     3.应用范围      4.技术规格书下载(产品PDF文档) 7e2嘉泰姆
5.产品封装图   6.电路原理图  7.功能概述      8.相关产品7e2嘉泰姆

一,产品概述(General Description)      直线7e2嘉泰姆

  The CXLB7312 is a single cell, fully integrated constant current (CC)/constant7e2嘉泰姆

voltage (CV) Li-ion battery charger. Its compact package with minimum external  7e2嘉泰姆

components requirement makes the CXLB7312 ideal for portable applications.7e2嘉泰姆

No external sense resistor or blocking diode is necessary for the CXLB7312.7e2嘉泰姆

Build-in thermal feedback mechanism regulates the charge current to control7e2嘉泰姆

the die temperature during high power operation or at elevated ambient7e2嘉泰姆


  The CXLB7312 has a pre-charge function for trickle charging deeply discharged7e2嘉泰姆

batteries. The fast charge current can be programmed by an external resistor.7e2嘉泰姆

CV regulation mode is automatically enabled once the battery’s charging curve7e2嘉泰姆

reaches the constant voltage portion. The output current then decays and is7e2嘉泰姆

finally terminated once the charge current drops to 1/10th of the programmed value.7e2嘉泰姆

The CXLB7312 keeps monitoring the battery voltage and enables a new charge cycle 7e2嘉泰姆

once the voltage drops by 150mV below the CV value.Power supply state is constantly 7e2嘉泰姆

monitored and the battery drain current is reduced to minimum value automatically 7e2嘉泰姆

when the CXLB7312 senses a lack of input power. In its shutdown mode, the CXLB73127e2嘉泰姆

can reduce the supply current to less than 25μA. A status pin outputs a logic HIGH/LOW 7e2嘉泰姆

to indicate the charging status and the presence of power supply.7e2嘉泰姆

 Other features include charge current monitor,under-voltage lockout.7e2嘉泰姆


·Standalone Capability with no Requirement 7e2嘉泰姆

of External MOSFET, Sense Resistor orBlocking Diode.7e2嘉泰姆

·Complete Linear Charger in Compact Package7e2嘉泰姆

for Single Cell Lithium-Ion Batteries7e2嘉泰姆

·Programmable Pre-charge, Fast Charge and Termination Current.7e2嘉泰姆

·Constant-Current/Constant-Voltage Operation7e2嘉泰姆

with Thermal Regulation to Maximize Charge7e2嘉泰姆

Rate Without Risk of Overheating7e2嘉泰姆

·Charges Single Cell Li-Ion Batteries Directly from USB Port7e2嘉泰姆

·Preset 4.2V Charge Voltage with ±1% Accuracy7e2嘉泰姆

·Automatic Recharge7e2嘉泰姆

·Charge Status Output Pin7e2嘉泰姆

·C/10 Charge Termination7e2嘉泰姆

·25μA Supply Current in Shutdown7e2嘉泰姆

·2.9V Trickle Charge Threshold7e2嘉泰姆

·Soft-Start Limits Inrush Current7e2嘉泰姆

·Available in SOT-23-6 and ESOP8 Package7e2嘉泰姆

三,应用范围 (Applications)直线7e2嘉泰姆

Cellular Telephones, PDAs, MP3 Players7e2嘉泰姆

Charging Docks and Cradles7e2嘉泰姆

Bluetooths Applications7e2嘉泰姆




五,产品封装图 (Package)直线7e2嘉泰姆




锂电池充电芯片(Li-ion Battery Charger )
Part No. Features VIN Series Cells Max Charger Charger Type Output Accu. Package Application
CXLB7310B Temperature Regulation, Trickle   Charge, C/10 Charge Termination, USB Compliant 4.25~6.5V,Max 10V 1 800mA Linear 4.2V±1%  4.3V±1% 4.4V±1% SOT23-5 TSOT23-5 单节锂电供电设备
CXLB7311B 1A Lithium Ion Battery Linear Charger 4~6.5V 1 1A Linear 4.2V±1%  4.35V±1% ESOP8 单节锂电供电设备
CXLB7312 500mA/1.5A Lithium Ion Battery Linear Charger 4.25~6V 1 500mA/1.5A Linear 4.2V±1%  4.35V±1% SOT23-6 ESOP8 单节锂电供电设备
CXLB7313 2A Lithium Ion Battery Switching Charger 4.2~6V 1 2A Switching 4.2V±1%  4.35V±1% DFN3x3-10 单节锂电供电设备