
[ CXLB7277 ]"
产品概述 返回TOP
The CXLB7277 is a complete battery charger controller for two (8.4V) cells lithium-ion batteries. The CXLB7277 provides a small, simple and efficient solution to fast charge Li-ion battery. An external sense resistor sets the charge current with high accuracy. An internal resistor divider and precision reference set the final float voltage to 8.4V. When the input supply is removed, the CXLB7277 automatically enters a low current sleep mode. The CXLB7277 is available in the SOP-8L package.
产品特点 返回TOP
Input Supply Range: 9V ~ 14V
End-Charge-Current Detection Output
Constant Switching Frequency for Minimum Noise
Automatic Battery Recharge
Automatic Shutdown When Input Supply is Removed
Automatic Trickle Charging of Low Voltage Batteries
Battery Temperature Sensing
Stable with Ceramic Output Capacitor
SOP-8L Package
应用范围 返回TOP
Charging Docks
Handheld Instruments
Portable Computers
技术规格书(产品PDF) 返回TOP
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内置MOS 2节锂电充电IC |
型号 |
电池数量 |
工作模式 |
工作电压 |
最大充电电流 |
工作电流 |
恒流恒压精度 |
输出电压 |
开关频率 |
封装 |
两节 |
线性,内置MOS |
9V-12V |
1A |
0.26mA |
1% |
8.4V |
SOP-8L |
两节 |
线性,内置MOS |
8.6V-18V |
1A |
2mA |
1% |
8.4V |
SOP-8L |
两节 |
开关式内置MOS |
9V-16V |
2A |
0.26mA |
1% |
8.4V |
780KHz |
SOP-8L |