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型号 控制方式 接口 输入电压 饱和压降 静态电流 传感器 相位 使能 测速 电流 温度 拓扑 封装 说明
CXHA3161 CMOS输出 2.0-4.5 Z轴 L 50 5
CXHA3160 CMOS输出 1.8-4.5 Z轴 L 50 5
CXHA3159 CMOS输出 1.8-4.5 Z轴 L 50 5
CXHA3158 CMOS输出 2.0-4.5 Z轴 L 50 5
CXHA3157 CMOS输出 2.0-4.5 Z轴 L 50 5
CXHA3156 CMOS输出 2.0-4.5 Z轴 L 50 5
CXHA3155 NMOS开漏输出 1.8-6.0 Z轴 L 0.35 350
CXHA3154 CMOS输出 1.8-4.5 Z轴 H 150 3
CXHA3189 Remote SMBus 2.7~5.5V 5uA -55~130 SOT-23-8/ AQFN1.5X1.5-8 2 Remote Sensors Thermistor is needed 热开关
CXHA3187 Local SMBus 2.7~5.5V 5uA -55~130 TDFN2X2-8/ ADFN1.5X1.5-6/燬OT-23-5/ SOT-23-6 OT is set by an external resistor 热开关
CXHA3186 Local SMBus 2.7~5.5V 5uA -55~130 SOT-23-5/ TDFN2X2-8 OT is set by an external resistor 热开关
CXHA3185 Remote SMBus 3~5.5V 5uA -55~130 SOP-8/MSOP-8 OT is set by SET0 and SET1, Thermal diode needed 热开关
CXHA3184 -- SMBus 4~5.5V 5uA -55~130 SOT-23-5 热开关
CXHA3183 Remote/Local SMBus 3~5.5V 5uA -55~130 SOP-8/MSOP-8 Griffin 数字接口温度传感器
CXHA3182 Remote/Local SMBus 3~5.5V 5uA -55~130 SOP-8/MSOP-8/TDFN3X3-8? SMBus inputs are built-in switch to prevent reverse leakage 数字接口温度传感器
CXHA3181 Remote/Local SMBus 3~5.5V 5uA -55~130 MSOP-10 Support transistor mode 数字接口温度传感器
CXHA3180 Local SMBus 3~5.5V 5uA -55~130 MSOP-8 Local temperature sensor 数字接口温度传感器
CXHA3179 Remote/Local SMBus 3~5.5V 5uA -55~130 SOP-8/MSOP-8/燭DFN3X3-8 Remote up to 160°C 数字接口温度传感器
CXHA3178 Remote/Local SMBus 3~5.5V 5uA -55~130 SOP-8/MSOP-8 Support transitor mode 数字接口温度传感器
CXHA3177 Local SMBus 3~5.5V 5uA -55~130 SOT-23-5 数字接口温度传感器
CXHA3176 Local SMBus 3~5.5V 5uA -55~130 SOP-8/MSOP-8/燭DFN3X3-8/TDFN3X2-8 8 slave addresses  11 bits resolution 数字接口温度传感器
CXHA3175 Local SMBus 3~5.5V 5uA -55~130 SOP-8/MSOP-8/燭DFN3X3-8 8 slave addresses  9 bits resolution数字接口温度传感器
CXHA3174 2~5.5V 2.5~0.3V 18uA -55~130 TO-126F/燬C-70-5(SOT-353) 温度传感器Negative temperature coefficient output  数字接口温度传感器
CXHA3153 1.8~5.5V 5uA -40~85 3Pin-SIP/SOT23-3-3 全极型霍尔
CXHA3152 1.8~5.5V 2.5uA -40~85 3Pin-SIP 全极型霍尔
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