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Good RF noise immunity CXHA3161 MicroPower Ultra-Sensitive CMOS Hall IC

CXHA3161 is with proprietary Hall effect plate and single CMOS output driver, mainly designed for battery–powered,hand-held equipment (such as Cellular and Cordless
Phone, PDA).When north-pole of sufficient strength on chip or south-pole of sufficient strength under chip, the CXHA3161 will turn on the OUT output. When south-pole of sufficient strength on chip or north-pole of sufficient strength under chip, the CXHA3161 will turn on the OUT output.CXHA3161 series have above two kinds Hall effect output,
please select appropriate model for different application.While the magnetic flux density (B) is larger than operate point BOP, the OUT will be turned on (low), the output is
held until B is lower than release point BRP, then turned off(high).

Good RF noise immunity CXHA3161 MicroPower Ultra-Sensitive CMOS Hall IC




  1. 1.产品概述       2.产品特点     fIG嘉泰姆

  2. 3.应用范围       4.技术规格书下载(PDF文档)fIG嘉泰姆

  3. 5.产品封装       6.电路原理图  fIG嘉泰姆



   CXHA3161 is with proprietary Hall effect plate and single CMOS output driver, mainly designed for battery–powered,hand-held equipment (such as Cellular and Cordless Phone, PDA).When north-pole of sufficient strength on chip or south-pole of sufficient strength under chip, the CXHA3161 will turn on the OUT output. When south-pole of sufficient strength on chip or north-pole of sufficient strength under chip, the CXHA3161 will turn on the OUT output.CXHA3161 series have above two kinds Hall effect output,please select appropriate model for different application.While the magnetic flux density (B) is larger than operate point BOP, the OUT will be turned on (low), the output is held until B is lower than release point BRP, then turned off(high).

   产品特点 返回TOPfIG嘉泰姆

 1.8V to 4.5V battery operationfIG嘉泰姆
 Operation with North or South PolefIG嘉泰姆
 Chopper stabilizedfIG嘉泰姆
 Superior temperature stabilityfIG嘉泰姆
 Extremely Low Switch-Point DriftfIG嘉泰姆
 Insensitive to Physical StressfIG嘉泰姆
 Good RF noise immunityfIG嘉泰姆
 ESD HBM bigger than 4kVfIG嘉泰姆
 Lead Free Finish/RoHS CompliantfIG嘉泰姆

   应用范围 返回TOPfIG嘉泰姆

 Mobile phones and Portable electronic devicesfIG嘉泰姆
 NotebookfIG嘉泰姆

   技术规格书(产品PDF) 返回TOP fIG嘉泰姆



   产品封装图 返回TOPfIG嘉泰姆

   电路原理图 返回TOPfIG嘉泰姆


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产品名称 工作电压(V) 平均电流(uA) 输出方式 输出逻辑 感应方向 工作时间(uS) 周期(mS) B_op B_rp B_hys 备注
CXHA3154 1.8-4.5 3 CMOS输出 H Z轴 50 150 ±28 ±15 - 霍尔开关
CXHA3155 1.8-6.0 350 NMOS开漏输出 L Z轴 85 0.35 ±15 ±11 4 霍尔开关
CXHA3156 2.0-4.5 5 CMOS输出 L Z轴 50 50 35 18 - 霍尔开关
CXHA3157 2.0-4.5 5 CMOS输出 L Z轴 50 50 35 18 - 霍尔开关
CXHA3158 2.0-4.5 5 CMOS输出 L Z轴 50 50 35 18 - 霍尔开关
CXHA3159 1.8-4.5 5 CMOS输出 L Z轴 75 50 60 45 - 霍尔开关
CXHA3160 1.8-4.5 5 CMOS输出 L Z轴 50 50 60 45 - 霍尔开关
CXHA3161 2.0-4.5 5 CMOS输出 L Z轴 - 50 35 20 - 霍尔开关
CXHA3129 1.65-6.0 3 NMOS开漏输出 L Z轴 100 140 ±30 ±20 8 霍尔开关
CXHA3128 2.0-6.0 3 NMOS开漏输出 L Z轴 100 140 ±15 ±11 4 霍尔开关
产品名称 型号 通道 配置 工作电压(V) -3dB带宽(MHz) 导通电阻(Ω) 最大电流(mA) 静态电流(uA) 开关时间(nS) 封装形式 备注
CXAS4258 2 SPDT 1.8-5.5 300 5.5 50 <1 Ton<20,Toff<10 DFN3*3-10L - 模拟开关
CXAS4259 1 SPDT 1.8-5.5 300 5.5 50 <1 Ton<20,Toff<10 SOT23-6L,SOT363 - 模拟开关
CXAS4257 2 SPDT 1.8-5.5 30 0.5 300 0.01 Ton=16,Toff=15 MSOP-10L - 模拟开关
产品名称 使能 工作电压(V) 最大电流(mA) 导通电阻(mΩ) 静态电流(uA) 过温保护 过流保护 输出过压保护 输出放电 防反灌/短路保护 备注
CXPS4260 EN 4.5-6.0 200 1500 80 YES YES NO YES YES/YES 负载开关
CXPS4261 EN 2.2-6.0 3500 70 120 YES YES YES YES YES/YES 负载开关
CXPS4259 EN 2.2-6.0 1100/1300 100 23 YES YES NO NO YES/YES 负载开关
CXPS4258 EN 2.0-5.5 3500 70 40 YES YES NO NO YES/YES 负载开关