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首页 > 产品中心 > 功率器件 > N沟道P沟道双极MOSFETs >The CXPP5451CS uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON) and low gate charge. The complementary MOSFETs can be used in a wide variety of applications
The CXPP5451CS uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON) and low gate charge. The complementary MOSFETs can be used in a wide variety of applications

The CXPP5451CS uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON) and low gate charge. The complementary MOSFETs can be used in a wide variety of applications
 N-Channel
VDS =40V, ID =8A
RDS(ON) < 19mΩ @ VGS=10V
RDS(ON) < 29mΩ @ VGS=4.5V
 P-Channel
VDS =-40V, ID = -7A
RDS(ON)<35mΩ @ VGS=-10V
RDS(ON) < 45mΩ @ VGS=-4.5V
 High power and current handing capability

The CXPP5451CS uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON) and low gate charge. The complementary MOSFETs can be used in a wide variety of applications



   产品概述 返回TOPyWn嘉泰姆

The CXPP5451CS uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON) and low gate charge. The complementary MOSFETs can be used in a wide variety of applications

   产品特点 返回TOPyWn嘉泰姆

 N-Channel yWn嘉泰姆

VDS =40V, ID =8A yWn嘉泰姆

 RDS(ON) < 19mΩ @ VGS=10V yWn嘉泰姆

RDS(ON) < 29mΩ @ VGS=4.5V yWn嘉泰姆

 P-Channel yWn嘉泰姆

VDS =-40V, ID = -7A yWn嘉泰姆

 RDS(ON)<35mΩ @ VGS=-10V yWn嘉泰姆

 RDS(ON) < 45mΩ @ VGS=-4.5V yWn嘉泰姆

 High power and current handing capabilityyWn嘉泰姆

   应用范围 返回TOPyWn嘉泰姆

 H-bridge yWn嘉泰姆

 InvertersyWn嘉泰姆

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Part N-Channel P-Channel Operating Package
number VDS   (V) RDS(ON) (mΩ) VGS=10V VGS(th)(V) VDS (V) RDS(ON) (mΩ) VGS=-10V VGS(th)(V) Temperature(℃)
CXPP5449CS 30 36 1.5 -30 69 -1.6 -145 SOT23-6L
CXPP5450CS 30 20 1.6 -30 28 -1.9 -145 SOP-8
CXPP5451CS 40 15.4 1.7 -40 26 -1.5 -145 SOP-8
CXPP5452CS 60 37 2 -60 64 -26 -145 SOP-8