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  1. 1.产品概述    2.产品特点     hUq嘉泰姆

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CXLD6464 series is a group of positive voltage output, low power consumption, low dropout voltage, three terminal regulator. It can provide 200mA output current when input / output voltage differential drops to 430mV(Vout = 2.8V), The very low power consumption of CXLD6464 (Iq=1.0uA)can greatly improve natural life of batteries. CXLD6464 can provide output value in the range of 1.1V~5.5V in 0.1V steps. It also can be customized on command. BCCXLD6464ncludes high accuracy voltage reference, error amplifier, current limit circuit and output driver module. BCCXLD6464as well load transient response and good temperature characteristic, And it uses trimming technique to guarantee output voltage accuracy within±2%.hUq嘉泰姆



 Low Power Consumption:1.0uA(Typ.) hUq嘉泰姆

 Maximum Output Current:200mA hUq嘉泰姆

 Small Dropout Voltage hUq嘉泰姆

 210mV@100mA (Vout=2.8V) hUq嘉泰姆

 430mV@200mA (Vout=2.8V) hUq嘉泰姆

 Input Voltage Range:1.5V~6V hUq嘉泰姆

 Output Voltage Range:1.1V~5.5V (customized on command in 0.1V steps) hUq嘉泰姆

 Highly Accurate:±2% (±1% customized)hUq嘉泰姆

  Output Current LimithUq嘉泰姆




 Battery Powered equipmenthUq嘉泰姆

  Power Management of MP3、PDA、DSC、 Mouse、PS2 GameshUq嘉泰姆

  Reference Voltage Source Regulation after Switching PowerhUq嘉泰姆

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CMOS型低压差线性稳压器(CMOS   Type LDO Linear Regulator )
Part No. VIN VOUT Accu. PSRR IQ IOUT(Max) Package Features
CXLD6463 36V 3.3,5,12V, ADJ ±2%   10μA 150mA SOT89-3 TO92 HV Three-Terminal Positive Regulator
CXLD6464 1.5~8V 1.1~5.5V ±2%   1μA 200mA SOT23-3 SOT89-3 TO92  Low Power Consumption,Low Dropout Voltage
CXLD6465 Max 16V 1.1~5.0V ±2%   2μA 250mA SOT23-3 SOT23-5 SOT89-3 Low Power Consumption,Low Dropout Voltage
CXLD6466 Max 16V 1.2~5.0V ±2%   3μA 250mA SOT23-3 SOT89-3 Low Power Consumption,Low Dropout Voltage
CXLD6467 Max 8V 1.2~6V ±2%/±1%   3μA 250mA SOT89-3 SOT23-3 TO92 Low Dropout Voltage, Low lq
CXLD6468 Max 6V 2~6V ±2% 74dB@100Hz 35μA 300mA DFN1x1 - 4L SC70-5,SOT23-5 Low Noise, High PSRR
CXLD6469 Max 6V 1.5~4.5V ±2% 73dB@100Hz 35μA 300mA DFN1x1 - 4L SOT23-5 SC70-5,SOT23-3 Low Noise, High PSRR, Output Discharge
CXLD6470 Max 6V 1.0~4.5V ±2% 70dB@100Hz 35μA 300mA SOT23-5 SC70-5 Low Noise, High PSRR, Output Discharge
CXLD6471 2~6V 1.2~5V,ADJ ±2%/±1% 80dB@217Hz 78dB@1KHz 90μA 300mA SOT23-5 SC70-5 RF LDO, Ultra Low   Noise, High PSSR, Output Discharge
CXLD6472 2~6V 1.2~5V ±2%/±1% 78dB@217Hz 90μA 300mA SOT23-3 SOT89-3 SOT223-3 Ultra Fast, Ultra Low Noise, High   PSSR, Output Discharge
CXLD6473 2~6V 1.2~5V ±2%/±1% 78dB@217Hz 90μA 300mA SOT23-5 SC70-5 RF LDO, Ultra Low Noise, High PSSR, Output Discharge
CXLD6474 2~6V 1.2~5V ±2%/±1% 70dB@1KHz 90μA x 2 300mA x 2 SOT23-6 ESOP8 Dual Channels LDO, Output Discharge
CXLD6475 Max 6V 1.5~4.5V ±2%/±1% 73dB@100Hz 20μA x 2 300mA x 2 SOT23-6 Dual Channels LDO, Output Discharge
CXLD6476 4.75~40V 1.8~10V ±2%   6μA 500mA SOT89-3 HV, Low Power Consumption, Low Dropout Voltage
CXLD6477 4.75~40V 1.8~10V ±2%   6μA 500mA SOT89-3 HV, Low Power Consumption, Low Dropout Voltage
CXLD6478 Max 8V 1.2~4.5V ±2%/±1% 66dB@100Hz 75μA 500mA SOT89-3 SOT23-5 Low Noise, High PSRR,Output Discharge
CXLD6480 Max 6V 1.5~4.5V ±2% 73dB@100Hz 20μA 500mA SOT89-3 Low Noise, Low Dropout, High PSRR, Output Discharge
CXLD6479 Max 6V 1.2~4.5V ±2% 72dB@1KHz 30μA 500mA SC70-5 SOT23-5 Low Noise, High PSRR Fast Response, Output Discharge
CXLD6482 Max 6V 1.2~4.5V ±2% 72dB@1KHz 30μA x 2 500mA x 2 SOT23-6 Dual Channels LDO
CXLD6483 2.5~6V 1.0~5.0V ±2%/±1% 70dB@100Hz 70μA 1A SOT223-3 TO252-3 1A Very Low Dropout Low Noise High PSRR
CXLD6484 Max 6V 1.2~5.0V ±2%   100μA 1A SOT89-3 SOT23-5 Low Noise, Low Dropout, High PSRR
CXLD6485 Max 6V 1.2~5.0V ±2%   100μA 1.5A SOT223 Low Noise, Low Dropout, High PSRR
CXLD6486 Max 18V 1.2~5.0V ±2%   3μA 2A SOT223  TO252 2A Low Dropout , Low lq
CXLD6481 Max 18V 1.2~5.0V ±2%   3μA 2A SOT223  TO252 2A Low Dropout , Low lq