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首页 > 产品中心 > 电源管理 > LDO线性稳压器 > CMOS型低压差线LDO >The CXLD64342 series are high accuracy CMOS LDO Voltage Regulators offering low power high ripple rejection ratio and low dropout
The CXLD64342 series are high accuracy CMOS LDO Voltage Regulators offering low power high ripple rejection ratio and low dropout

The CXLD64342 series are high accuracy, CMOS LDO
Voltage Regulators, offering low power, high ripple
rejection ratio and low dropout. the CXLD64342 series is ideal for today’s cutting edge mobile phone. Internally
the CXLD64342 includes a reference voltage source, error
amplifiers, driver transistors, current limiters and phase
compensators. The CXLD64342’s current limiters' foldback
circuit also operates as a short protect for the output
current limiter and the output pin. The CXLD64342 series is
also fully compatible with low ESR ceramic capacitors, reducing cost and improving output stability. This high
level of output stability is maintained even during
frequent load fluctuations, due to the excellent transient
response performance and high PSRR achieved across
a broad range of frequencies. The CE function allows
the output of regulator to be turned off, resulting in
greatly reduced power consumption

The CXLD64342  series are high accuracy CMOS LDO  Voltage Regulators offering low power high ripple  rejection ratio and low dropout
  • "





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  3. 5.产品封装       6.电路原理图  mGk嘉泰姆



   The CXLD64342  series are high accuracy, CMOS LDO Voltage Regulators, offering low power, high ripple rejection ratio and low dropout. the CXLD64342  series is ideal for today’s cutting edge mobile phone. Internally the CXLD64342  includes a reference voltage source, error amplifiers, driver transistors, current limiters and phase compensators. The CXLD64342’s current limiters' foldback circuit also operates as a short protect for the output current limiter and the output pin. The CXLD64342 series is also fully compatible with low ESR ceramic capacitors, reducing cost and improving output stability. This high level of output stability is maintained even during frequent load fluctuations, due to the excellent transient response performance and high PSRR achieved across a broad range of frequencies. The CE function allows the output of regulator to be turned off, resulting in mGk嘉泰姆
greatly reduced power consumption.

   产品特点 返回TOPmGk嘉泰姆

1.Maximum Output Current: 500mA mGk嘉泰姆
(VIN=4.3V,VOUT=3.3V) mGk嘉泰姆

2.Dropout Voltage: 125mV@IOUT =100mA(VOUT= 3.3V) mGk嘉泰姆
3.Operating Voltage Range: 3V~18V mGk嘉泰姆
4.Output Voltage Range: 1.6V~5.0V mGk嘉泰姆
5.Highly Accuracy: ±1% mGk嘉泰姆
6.Low Power Consumption: 1.8uA(TYP.) Standby Current: 0 uA(TYP.) mGk嘉泰姆
7.High Ripple Rejection: 65dB@1KHz(CXLD64342C 33) Line Regulation: 0.035%/V(TYP.) mGk嘉泰姆
8.Built-in temperature protection and current limiting protectionmGk嘉泰姆

   应用范围 返回TOPmGk嘉泰姆

    1.Mobile phones mGk嘉泰姆

2.Cordless phones, radio communication equipment Portable games mGk嘉泰姆
3.Cameras, Video cameras mGk嘉泰姆
4.Reference voltage sources mGk嘉泰姆
5.Battery powered equipmentmGk嘉泰姆

   技术规格书(产品PDF) 返回TOP mGk嘉泰姆



   产品封装图 返回TOPmGk嘉泰姆


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CMOS LDO Linear Regulator(CMOS低压差线性稳压器)
Part Number VIN IOUT(Max) VOUT Accu IQ PSRR VDROPOUT Application Package
            (1KHZ) 3.3V@100mA    
CXLD6444 ~6.5V 300mA 1.5-5.0V ±2% 8uA 50dB 150mV ①②⑨⑪ SOT23-3/SOT89-3/
CXLD6445 ~6.5V 800mA 1.8-5.0V ±1% 80uA 65dB 35mV ⑨⑰⑱⑲ SOT89-5/SOT23-5
CXLD6446 ~6.5V 500mA 1.2-5.0V ±2% 50uA 70dB 120mV ①②③④⑨⑪⑫⑬ SOT23-5/SOT353
CXLD6447 ~6.5V 300mA 1.5-5.0V ±2% 8uA 50dB 110mV ①②⑨⑪ SOT23-5
CXLD6448 ~6.5V 300mA 1.0-5.0V ±1% 8uA 50dB 105mV ①②⑨⑪ SOT23-3/SOT89-3/SOT23/TO92
CXLD6449 ~6.5V 800mA 1.5-5.6V ±1% 100uA 65dB 35mV ⑨⑰⑱⑲ SOT89-5/SOT23-5
CXLD6450 ~6.5V 300mA 1.2-5.0V ±2% 65uA 62dB 180mV ①②③④⑨⑪⑫⑬ SOT23-5/SOT353/
CXLD6451 ~18V 1000mA 1.2-5.0V ±2% 50uA 70dB 80mV ⑨⑭⑮⑯⑰ SOT223/TO252
CXLD6452 ~18V 400mA 1.2-5.0V ±2% 60uA 60dB 105mV ①②③④⑨⑪⑫⑬ SOT23-5/SOT89-3
CXLD6453 ~18V 400mA ADJ ±2% 60uA 60dB 105mV ①②③④⑨⑪⑫⑬ SOT23-5/SOT89-3
CXLD6454 ~18V 100mA 3.0-5.0V ±2.5% 4uA 60dB 700mV(@50mA) ③⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑫ TO92/SOT89-3/SOT23-3
CXLD6455 ~18V 150mA 3.0-5.0V ±2% 3uA 50dB 580mV ④⑤⑥⑩ TO92/SOT89-3/SOT23-3
CXLD6456 ~18V 250mA 3.0-5.0V ±2% 3uA 50dB 200mV ⑨⑩⑪⑫⑭⑮⑯ TO92/SOT89-3/SOT23-3
CXLD6457 ~18V 500mA 1.5-5.0V ±2% 1.5uA 50dB 100mV ①②④⑤⑨⑪ TO92/SOT89-3/SOT23-3
CXLD6458 ~18V 300mA 1.5-5.0V ±2% 0.7uA 40dB 160mV ①②④⑤⑨⑪ SOT89-3/SOT23-3/SOT23-5
CXLD6459 ~18V 300mA 1.5-5.0V ±2% 5.5uA 50dB 160mV(VOUT=2.8V) ①②⑨⑪ SOT23-5
CXLD6460 ~40V 100mA 3.0-5.0V ±2% 3uA 50dB 1100mV(@50mA) ③⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑫ TO92/SOT89-3
CXLD64342 18V 500mA 1.5-5.0V ±1% 1.8uA 65dB 125mV OTP/OCP/EN/LOW IQ SOT89-3/SOT23-3/SOT23-5/DFN1.2*1.6-4
CXLD64343 6.5V 400mA 1.5-5.0V ±1% 1.8uA 65dB 110mV EN/THSD/LOW IQ SOT23-3/SOT23-5/ SOT89-3/DFN1*1-4/FBP1*1-4L
Applications:①Mobile phone②MID③Cordless phone④Radio communication equipment⑤Wireless communication equipment⑥Electronic Balance
⑦Toys⑧Reference voltage⑨Battery powered equipment⑩AmmeterCamera, Video cameraPortable gamesReference voltage sources
Post Regulator for Switching DC/DC ConverterHigh-efficiency linear regulatorsBattery ChargerPCCommunication tools
DVD or CD-ROM drivers★CXLD6449 OTP=165°CXLD6445 no OTP