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Zero-Drift, Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail Input/ Output Operational Amplifiers CXOA42294

The CXOA 42293 , CXOA42294 and CXOA 42295 are single, dual and quad amplifiers featuring rail-to-rail input and output swings, which has ultralow offset, drift and bias current. All are guaranteed to operate from +1.8 V to +5 V single supply. With an offset voltage of only 80 µV and drift of 20 nV /° C , the CXOA 42294 is perfectly suited for applications where error sources cannot be tolerated . Temperature , position and pres -sure sensors , medical equipment and strain gage amplifiers benefit greatly from nearly zero drift over their operating temperature range. The rail-to-rail input and output swings provided by the CXOA42294 family make both high -side and low- side sensing easy.
The CXOA 42294 series is specified for the extended industrial /automotive (–40°C to +125 °C) temperature range. The CXOA42294 single is available in 5-lead SOT and 8-lead SOP/MSOP packages. The CXOA 42295 dual amplifier is available in 8-lead SOP /MSOP packages. The CXOA42293 quad is available in narrow 14-lead SOP and 14-lead TSSOP packages.

Zero-Drift, Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail Input/ Output Operational Amplifiers CXOA42294




  1. 1.产品概述       2.产品特点     b4e嘉泰姆

  2. 3.应用范围       4.技术规格书下载(PDF文档)b4e嘉泰姆

  3. 5.产品封装       6.电路原理图  b4e嘉泰姆



The CXOA42293 , CXOA42294 and CXOA 42295 are single, dual and quad amplifiers featuring rail-to-rail input and output swings, which has ultralow offset, drift and bias current. All are guaranteed to operate from +1.8 V to +5 V single supply. With an offset voltage of only 80 µV and drift of 20 nV /° C , the CXOA 42294 is perfectly suited for applications where error sources cannot be tolerated . Temperature , position and pres -sure sensors , medical equipment and strain gage amplifiers benefit greatly from nearly zero drift over their operating temperature range. The rail-to-rail input and output swings provided by the CXOA42294 family make both high -side and low- side sensing easy. b4e嘉泰姆
The CXOA42294 series is specified for the extended industrial /automotive (–40°C to +125 °C) temperature range. The CXOA42294 single is available in 5-lead SOT and 8-lead SOP/MSOP packages. The CXOA42295 dual amplifier is available in 8-lead SOP /MSOP packages. The CXOA42293 quad is available in narrow 14-lead SOP and 14-lead TSSOP packages.

   产品特点 返回TOPb4e嘉泰姆

 Low Offset Voltage: 25µV (TYP) b4e嘉泰姆
 Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Swing b4e嘉泰姆
 1.8V to 5.0V Single Supply Operation b4e嘉泰姆
 Voltage Gain: 145dB (TYP) b4e嘉泰姆
 PSRR: 115dB (TYP) b4e嘉泰姆
 CMRR: 110dB (TYP) b4e嘉泰姆
 Low Input Bias Currents: 130pA b4e嘉泰姆
 Low Supply Current: 450µA/Channel b4e嘉泰姆
 Overload Recovery Time: 0.1ms b4e嘉泰姆
 No External Capacitors Required b4e嘉泰姆
 -40℃ to +125℃ Operating Temperature Rangeb4e嘉泰姆
 Small Packaging :b4e嘉泰姆

CXOA42294 Available in Green SOT-23-5L,SOP8 and MSOP8b4e嘉泰姆
CXOA42295 Available in Green SOP8 andb4e嘉泰姆
MSOP8 CXOA42293 Available in Green SOP14b4e嘉泰姆

   应用范围 返回TOPb4e嘉泰姆

 Temperature Measurementsb4e嘉泰姆
 Pressure Sensorsb4e嘉泰姆
 Precision Current Sensingb4e嘉泰姆
 Electronic Scalesb4e嘉泰姆
 Strain Gage Amplifiersb4e嘉泰姆
 Medical Instrumentationb4e嘉泰姆
 Thermocouple Amplifiersb4e嘉泰姆
 Handheld Test Equipmentb4e嘉泰姆

   技术规格书(产品PDF) 返回TOP b4e嘉泰姆



   产品封装图 返回TOPb4e嘉泰姆


   电路原理图 返回TOPb4e嘉泰姆

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产品名称 通道数 工作电压(V) 静态电流(uA) 带宽(MHz) 电源抑制比(dB) 共模抑制比(dB) 输入失调( mV) 压摆率(V/us) 输出能力(mA) 封装形式 备注
CXOA42291 1 2.1-5.5 42 1.1 92 88 ±0.800 0.52 ±20 SOT23-5L 通用运算放大器
CXOA42292 2 1.8-5.5 42 1.1 92 88 ±0.700 0.52 ±20 SOP8 通用运算放大器
CXOA42293 2 2.7-5.0 450 1.44 115 110 0.003 0.84 ±10 SOP8 高精度运算放大器
CXOA42294 1 1.8-5.0 450 1.44 115 110 0.025 0.84 ±10 SOT23-5L,SOP8 高精度运算放大器
CXOA42295 2 1.8-5.0 450 1.44 115 110 0.025 0.84 ±10 SOP8 高精度运算放大器
CXOA42296 1 1.8-6.0 0.36 1.1 95 100 ±1.0 0.52 ±10 SOT23-5L 微功耗运算放大器
CXOA42297 2 1.8-6.0 0.36 1.1 95 100 ±1.0 0.52 ±10 SOP8 微功耗运算放大器
CXOA42298 4 1.8-6.0 0.36 1.1 95 100 ±1.0 0.52 ±10 SOP14 微功耗运算放大器
CXOA4202 1 1.8-5.5 42 1.1 92 88 ±0.700 0.52 ±20 SOT23-5L,SOP8 通用运算放大器
CXOA4201 1 2.7-5.0 450 1.44 115 110 0.003 0.84 ±10 SOT23-5L,SOP8 高精度运算放大器